YogaPlus DAO

white concrete building

Empower Your Yoga Journey

Welcome to the heart of our vibrant community at the YogaPlus Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). Here, your voice is not only heard but is a pivotal force in sculpting the landscape of our shared yoga journey. The YogaPlus DAO stands on the pillars of transparency, inclusivity, and collective governance, offering you the unique opportunity to vote, propose, and enact meaningful changes. Together, we are not merely participants in yoga; we are the architects of its future.

What is a DAO and Its Advantages for the Yoga Community

A DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is a revolutionary way of organizing communities and businesses, relying on blockchain technology for a transparent, inclusive, and democratic governance structure. Unlike traditional LLCs or corporations, which are often centralized and hierarchical, a DAO operates on a flat structure where every member has a say. This model aligns perfectly with the ethos of yoga, which values community, openness, and harmony.

Yoga, by nature, is decentralized, with diverse practices and philosophies that span across different cultures and geographies. A DAO structure encourages collaboration across studios and regions, enabling a rich exchange of knowledge and practices. This not only enriches individual experiences but also fosters a global yoga community that is cohesive, yet beautifully diverse.

The Role of YogaPlus SaaS Services

YogaPlus offers Software as a Service (SaaS) designed to enhance the community's capabilities, from marketing to hosting workshops and issuing digital certifications. These services are crafted with the community's needs in mind, ensuring that membership not only provides immediate benefits but also confers future access to the DAO. This means that as a member, you'll play a crucial role in guiding the platform's development and governance as the community grows.

Towards Forming the YogaPlus DAO

The formation of the YogaPlus DAO is a journey that we embark on together. Our vision is to establish the DAO when our community reaches a critical mass of around 1,000 Certified Yoga Instructors, alongside a vibrant body of studios and students. This milestone will ensure that the DAO is representative, sustainable, and ready to serve the collective needs and aspirations of the yoga community.

Building the Foundation

Growth of the YogaPlus community through SaaS services, focusing on recruitment and engagement of instructors and studios.

100 Instructors

Initial phase of community engagement, focusing on integrating feedback and refining SaaS offerings.

Onboarding Students, Studios and Community.


Expansion of services and community features, increased collaborative events and workshops

1,000+ Certified Instructors

Official formation of the YogaPlus DAO, transitioning to community-led governance and decision-making.


DAO on-chain governance is a decentralized decision-making process where all actions and votes are recorded and executed on a blockchain, ensuring transparency and security in organizational management.


Expansion and Innovation | Following the DAO's establishment, we anticipate a period of rapid expansion and innovation, with new services and community-driven projects enhancing the global yoga community.

Global Yoga Collaborations | The future will see the YogaPlus DAO fostering global collaborations, connecting yoga practitioners and studios worldwide, creating an unprecedented global network of yoga enthusiasts.

This journey towards the DAO is not just about reaching a number but about creating a solid foundation for a community-driven future. By joining us now, you're not just becoming a part of a platform but a movement towards a more connected, empowered, and sustainable yoga practice for all.

Embark on this transformative journey with us, where your practice extends beyond the mat and into the very fabric of our yoga community. Together, let's shape the future of yoga.

Our Goals

  1. Establish a community-driven platform for collective decision-making in the yoga sphere.
  2. Foster inclusivity by giving every member a voice in shaping the direction of the YogaPlus DAO.
  3. Implement transparent governance mechanisms to ensure accountability and trust within the community.
  4. Enable members to propose and vote on initiatives that align with the DAO's vision and values.
  5. Cultivate a collaborative environment where impactful decisions are made collectively.
  6. Advance the future of yoga by actively participating in the development and growth of the YogaPlus DAO.
  7. Provide a platform for members to contribute their expertise and ideas towards the evolution of the yoga community.
  8. Promote shared values of transparency, inclusivity, and community-driven governance in all DAO activities.

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